Engaging with communities

Today UPM employs around 18,700 people, with 54 production plants spread out over 12 countries. Our engagement with local communities is based on decades of close cooperation. In many cases, communities have grown up alongside UPM operations, and we aim to be a good neighbour and trusted partner to all people, economies and environments affected, both directly and indirectly.

While immediate environmental impacts may be well documented, there are also highly beneficial societal impacts. In many locations, we are a significant employer, taxpayer and partner to local entrepreneurs, making positive contributions to the local economy.



Creating opportunities with stakeholders

Whether it is forests in Finland or eucalyptus in Uruguay, UPM applies the same rigorous standards to all its global operations. The company carries out annual EMAS reports of its paper and pulp mills to allow stakeholders to assess and learn from findings.

In 2019, UPM generated around EUR 325 million tax impact through its paper and pulp mill operations across Asia, Europe and South America. Local schools, universities and educational organisations are actively supported and the company donates and sponsors around EUR 2 million yearly to roughly 300 different charitable organisations.



Local impacts on a global scale

UPM’s operations generate economic benefits for various stakeholder groups on a local, regional and national level. For example, in Finland the company and its subsidiaries paid almost EUR 140 million in corporate income tax during 2019. In 2018 we paid more taxes than any other company. On top of the corporate tax we pay local taxes, such as energy, real estate, land use, stamp duties, etc. wherever we operate.

UPM’s USD 3 billion investment in a pulp mill in Uruguay brings 10,000 permanent jobs to the area and enables 600 new small and medium-sized businesses to thrive. Once the mill is operating, it will increase the Uruguayan GDP by 2%.

These examples stand as proof that major corporations can – and should – provide positive benefits to locals while building a more sustainable future.


Our societal impact


UPM societal value creation

  • Biggest corporate income tax payer in Finland in 2018

  • When operational the new pulp mill in Uruguay increases national GDP by 2%

  • Annual EMAS reports provide transparency regarding environmental and societal impact