UPM Capital Markets Day 2024

Hosted by UPM Investor Relations

UPM arranged a Capital Markets Day 2024 for investors, analysts and bankers in London on Thursday, 5 September 2024. Participants of the event had a chance to meet the President and CEO Massimo Reynaudo and the other members of UPM executive team and hear their views. They had the opportunity to have dialogue on UPM's strategy, businesses, performance, sustainability and growth opportunities.

In addition to the onsite event, there was a live webcast of the presentations. Recording is available via https://youtu.be/AYO7MeLZaSw

Presentation slides are available at UPM website https://www.upm.com/investors/reports-and-presentations/2024/


For further information please contact: 

UPM, Investor Relations 

Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 16:00 EEST
tel. +358 20 415 0033