Biofore Share and Care

Our Biofore Share and Care programme reflects our commitment to building a sustainable, innovation-driven future by sharing our expertise and assets for causes we care about.


Engaging with society through sponsorships donations and employee volunteering

Being a responsibility leader in our industry, we are involved in many causes and community projects supporting sustainable development and the prosperity and welfare of the communities in which we are active. Our work on this arena is clearly connected to our Biofore Strategy and responsibility targets. It is coordinated under the umbrella of  our Biofore Share and Care programme.

The Biofore Share and Care programme comprises three forms of support: sponsorships, donations and employee volunteering. The support can be a monetary contribution, products, materials or employee volunteering.

This is how we define our support

Corporate and local sponsorships refer to long-term involvement in and partnership with community non-profit groups who generally would not be able to fund activities without outside financial assistance. Our activities are aimed primarily at relevant stakeholder groups in the surrounding communities.

Donations refer to one-off or occasional non-profit support given for charitable or corresponding purposes. The Annual General Meeting resolves annually the maximum amount of contributions made for charitable or corresponding causes, and authorises the implementation for the UPM Board of Directors. 

Employee volunteering is a new form of support offering our employees theopportunity to do volunteering work during their working hours. UPMers can use up to 8 hours (one day’s work) per year for volunteering.


Biofore Share and Care - Focus areas

Our focus is on activities and programmes that are relevant to our business, support innovation and sustainability, or promote local vitality and wellbeing.

Reading and learning
We focus on projects that enhance reading skills and learning opportunities in the`regions we are active.

Engaging with communities
We prioritise activities that support the vitality and wellbeing of communities and regions in which we are active.

Beyond fossils initiatives 
We seize the limitless potential of bioeconomy and promote innovations and expertise that can support us in taking  the world beyond fossils.


Key figures 2023

14 countries
supported with Biofore Share and Care activities
Approx. EUR 900,000
given to support local communities
EUR 533,800
donated to charities or other non-profit causes
About 200
organisations supported
Reading & Learning

Reading & Learning

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Engagement with communities

Engagement with communities

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Beyond fossils initiatives

Beyond fossils initiatives

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Aid for Ukraine


Covid-19 support for local communities


Rules for sponsorships, donations and employee volunteering

UPM Rules for sponsorships, donations and employee volunteering provide a governance framework for the Biofore Share and Care Programme. See the Rules for more details.

How to apply?

You can send in your application via the link below. To facilitate efficient handling of your application, we have provided a set of detailed questions for you to answer, including e.g. your own views on the benefits UPM is likely to derive from sponsoring your cause.



Reforesting the Jaguari River Basin in Brazil

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Five secrets of success: Replacing fossil-based plastics in the LUMENE moisturiser jar

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