Growing consumption requires sustainable solutions

Around the world people are living longer and wealthier. However, the growth of population and consumption present a challenge for sustainable development. We need more renewable and recyclable alternatives to fossil-based materials, and we need to use residues and side streams efficiently. In short: We must think circular. Pulp production at UPM is a perfect example of circular economy in practice.



Pulp residues and side streams become opportunities

Highly efficient pulp production is based on the circular economy model in which materials and value circulate. We see the residues and side streams as valuable raw materials, a source of energy and, thus, real business opportunities.

We develop new technologies and innovate ways to expand the portfolio with renewable products and solutions that can replace fossil-based materials.



Added value through smart and sustainable solutions

Every UPM pulp mill generates renewable energy, residues and side streams which can be used for creating more renewable products and materials. UPM Kaukas site in Lappeenranta, Finland, is the perfect example: the products made from residues include wood-based diesel, naphtha, turpentine, pitch and sodium bisulphite.

Some of these products are further utilised as renewable resources for example in the biofuels, biochemicals and bioplastics industries. Residues from UPM pulp production can even be found as valueadding components in applications like perfumes and bleaches. Nothing goes to waste on our road to a future beyond fossils.


UPM Pulp residues and side streams

  • Promote circular economy
  • Expand UPM’s future portfolio
  • Innovative, renewable alternatives to fossil-based materials